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Accessing Authentication in Spring MVC
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Spring Security and Spring MVC provides multiple ways to access authentication information in your web application. The Authentication method parameter type allows direct access to the authentication object. The @CurrentSecurityContext annotation grants access to the entire security context, providing a comprehensive view of the authentication and other security-related information; remember that it provides the use of SpEL, type conversion and meta-annotations. Finally, the @AuthenticationPrincipal annotation is suitable for extracting type-specific information from the principal, and you can see it as an alias of the @CurrentSecurityContext(expression = "authentication.principal").

By leveraging these mechanisms, you can implement secure and personalized features based on the user's authentication details in your Spring MVC application.

Now let's take a look at each of these in practice.

Felipe Gutierrez

Staff Engineer

Over 30 years of IT experience, during which he has developed programs for companies in multiple vertical industries, such as government, retail, healthcare, education, and banking. Book Author from Apress. Currently writing the Pro Spring Boot 3rd Edition.

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Josh Cummings

Staff Engineer and Spring Security committer

Spring Security committer, Pluralsight author, and juggler.

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